With us, up-to-date
is just the beginning.
Here at First American Lutheran Church, we believe we have a lot to offer and so do you with time, talents, and treasures. We are always working on something new, and we hope you will join us. No matter your background, we believe all are welcome—you and our community matter to us. So, please stop by for a Sunday Worship Service and introduce yourself to those around you, get involved with a Ministry Team, or have your child join one of our many youth programs.
First American's voting members elected the following people into positions of leadership on our Church Council: President Richard Jacquart, Vice-President Jimmy Viestenz, Secretary Paula Moe, and these Council Members at Large: Lisa Anderson, David Dunst, Cindy Evans, Ophelia Neta, Tom Scheffen, Vonnie Shallow, and Rodney Trepanier. They were officially installed on Sunday, February 18.
Facility Usage
Great news! We've updated our facility usage fees to make our facility more affordable to those in our community. Look no further if you've been searching for a place to host an event, we have a fellowship hall, kitchen, lounge, many classrooms, and a sanctuary to accommodate a variety of events. Want to apply to use our facility? It's easy, just click here.
If you are interested in becoming a member of First American Lutheran, please reach out to the Church Office. We will have Pastor Harswick reach out to you to talk more about becoming a member here. We have several options for you to join our church family and we'd love to have you.
Our God's Work, Our Hands celebration had an amazing turnout! We especially thank our local Firefighters and Police Officers who took time out of their weekend to share a meal of appreciation with us. We are grateful for the many wonderful people we have watching over our city and keeping us safe. We also thank all those who donated delicious food, our Stewardship Team that organized the event, and everyone who attended. It was so good to gather together for a meal again.
Homebound communion is delivered to our homebound members the first Sunday of every month.
If you'd like to be added to the list, please reach out to our Church Office, 920-834-2460.
Members of FALC received their final mailing for our Stewardship Campaign, and the final publications included a commitment card. Folks were asked to fill out both sides, keep one half for yourself, and return the other half in the enclosed envelope on Commitment Sunday (December 3, 2023). We thank all who returned their commitment cards, and appreciate your ongoing financial support.
Special Meeting
First American Lutheran Church's Council President, Richard Jacquart, called a Special Congregation Meeting on Sunday, July 16, 2023, to vote to approve Synod appointed Pastor Roald Harswick and FALC's Interim Pastor. The majority of FALC's voting members who were present at the meeting voted in favor of Pastor Harswick. Pastor Harswick started at FALC on Friday, September 1, 2023.
Thank you to all who donated walking shoes to the Gillett American Auxiliary Unit. Last our Church Office heard, they were very close to reaching their goal of 2,500 pairs of shoes.
What an amazing accomplishment!
Thank Offering
Each year, the Women of our church hold a special Thank offering to show our many thanks to our Lord for providing for us throughout the year. Thank offering is usually held towards the end of November.
Our Jr & Sr High Youth Group made many delicious candies in December 20232. The funds raised totaled $202.82! These funds help to keep our youth active in Youth Group by covering costs for class materials and outings. Thank you to all who supported this great cause. We look forward to the next Christmas Candy Sale!
Poinsettias were purchased by members and friends of FALC. Thank you to all who made a purchase. Poinsettias were placed all around our sanctuary to add a special touch of Christmas. Poinsettias were purchased in memory and honor of Loved Ones.
Hat & Mittens
During Advent in December 2023, our Faith Formation Ministry Team collected hat and mittens/gloves. They received a total of 22 hats, 26 pairs of mittens/gloves and 1 scarf. All donations were provided to the Oconto Unified School district to help keep youths in our community warm.
On Sunday, December 10, during our 9 am Worship Service, Pastor Roald Harswick was installed as First American Lutheran's Interim Pastor. Associate to the Bishop Pastor Asher O'Callaghan was in attendance. A Celebration Fellowship was held after worship. It was a wonderful celebration for the members of FALC.
Cocoa Corner
FALC's Confirmation Class hosted Cocoa Corner in December 2023. The Class served free hot cocoa to those in our community. We love to spread cheer and do something nice for the wonderful people of Oconto.
Coffee Fellowship
Coffee Fellowship is hosted every second Sunday of each month following worship. We love for folks to join in great conversation and enjoy delicious food.
Sun Valley
FALC was contacted by Sun Valley Homes in hopes to receive Christmas gift donations for their residents. They have nine male and six female residents at their facility on VanDyke St, Oconto. Thank you to all who donated gifts to the folks in our community.
Silent Auction
The Valentine's Day themed Silent Auction hosted by our National Youth Gathering Youths (Katelyn, Lucas, and Sophia), ended on Sunday. The NYG group raised $880 through the auction, an additional $140 in donations, to help cover the cost of the trip this summer in New Orleans. The kids greatly appreciate you and your support and are excited to share with you the next fundraiser they will be holding in March.
Lenten Services
Midweek Lenten services will be held every Wednesday at 6:30 pm, starting on February 14-March 20. We will follow the theme of Christ on Trial. We will hear from five witnesses that testify Jesus being God's Son, our Savior. Come and hear their testimonies. Is Jesus who we believe him to be?
Movie Fellowship
Our Confirmation Class went to a movie on Sunday, January 28. The Class voted to see The Boys in the Boat. They enjoyed the night out and really enjoyed the movie.
Souper Bowl of Caring
The Souper Bowl of Caring ended on February 11. Folks from our congregation brought in 192 items and donated $80! Your support is truly beneficial to those in our community. All items and monetary donations were donated to our Local Food Pantry, Bread by the Bay.
Project Linus
Our Confirmation Class is currently tying fleece blanket for Project Linus. Project Linus provides handmade blankets to children 0-18 in the United States who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. Our Class donates to the local Oconto/Marinette chapter to help youths in our area. We appreciate the wonderful ministry of Project Linus.
Egg Challenge
The National Youth Gathering Youths are holding an Egg Challenge in March. From March 3-10, the kids will be selling paper eggs to folks for $5 each or 5 for $20. On Palm Sunday, March 24, folks are welcome to join them for a special coffee fellowship. During the fellowship, folks who purchased eggs will receive real eggs; some will be cooked, and some will be raw, and they can crack them over the heads of the NYG group (Katelyn, Lucas, Sophia, Beth, and Bobby Jo)!
April Auction
We're bringing back the Annual April Auction with some new additions! We are so excited for you to join us on Saturday, April 13. We'll be sure to keep updating as more information is available.