
Youth Programs for All Ages
If you're interested in enrolling your child in one of the programs, please contact the Church Office for additional details.
High Five
4K-6th Grade
4K through 6th Grade religion classes (Sunday School) are held every Sunday from 9-11 am in the months of September to May. If you're visiting the church, your child is welcome to join class. If you're planning on having your child attend regularly, registration information will be provided by your child's teacher.
Youth Group
7th-12th Grade
Youth in grades 7-12, including confirmation students, are invited to join us, the FALC Youth Group! Youth Group meets on the second and fourth Sundays, after worship, in the Youth Room in the months of September through May. Youth connect through prayer and Bible study, followed by a little friendly competition. Confirmation students are strongly encouraged to join us. For more information, please reach out to
7th-8th Grade
Our Confirmation program is a two-year program for 7th and 8th grade students. The class meets Wednesday evenings, 5:30-6:30 pm, in the months of September to May. Students will study the Old and New Testament, Luther's Small Catechism which includes The Lord's Prayer, Ten Commandments, Apostles' Creed, and Sacraments. The focus throughout the year is Lutheran identity, relationship building, and reviewing the basics. Registration is required for youth to attend this class. Please contact the Church Office for further details.