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Women's Ministries

Old and Young
Women of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (WELCA)

Attend board meetings, general auxiliary meetings, be part of prayer chains, assist with funeral luncheons, save items for stewardship projects and participate in general projects. 

If you're interested in participating in WELCA, check out the monthly calendar to find out when they are meeting. Their upcoming events will also be published in the events page.


Naomi Circle

We focus on Bible Study from the ELCA website, Daily Disciples, which follows the readings and sermon for the week. We lift up members in prayers, and gather to enjoy one another's company by socializing. We try to bring Bible Study into our daily lives. We also host a Bingo Party at Woodland's Nursing Home in Oconto.

Prayer Group

Omega Circle

We focus on Bible Study from the Gather Magazine. We lift up members in prayers, and gather to enjoy one another's company by socializing.  We try to bring  Bible Study into our daily lives today.

Purpose Statement

As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote the healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.

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