We are a member of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Welcome to
First American Lutheran
Annual Meeting
First American Lutheran Church's Council President, Richard Jacquart, is calling a special meeting for FALC's 2024 Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 26, 2025, immediately following 9 am worship, at approximately 10:15 am in the sanctuary. The purpose of the meeting is approve minutes, reports from the pastor, treasurer, and leadership, elections, unfinished business new business, and the approval of the proposed 2025 budget. The Annual Meeting will be held at First American Lutheran Church, 511 Madison St, Oconto, WI 54153. Annual reports are available and are on the Usher's table. Per FALC's Constitution and Bylaws, a voting member is a baptized confirmed member of FALC who has communed and provided an offering on record within the last year.
Souper Bowl
First American is teaming up with churches all across America to help fight hunger. The Souper Bowl of Caring will begin on Sunday, January 5, and end on February 9. During this time, we encourage you to bring canned soup to our Church Office or worship to help fill our soup kettles. At the end, all items will be donated to our Local Food Pantry, Bread by the Bay. Monetary donations will also be accepted; please write checks to First American Lutheran with Souper Bowl of Caring in the memo.
I hereby command you:
Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed,
for the Lord God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9